Bulletin Boards

Advertising by student clubs and organizations or departments is available using the bulletin boards and restroom stalls maintained by the Office of Student Life. Advertising in any other location such as glass doors, windows, elevators, and indoor/ outdoor walls is not permitted, and postings will be removed and discarded if found. Exceptions may be made for new college administrative procedures or initiatives that require a large amount of advertising to spread the message to the student body. The posting guidelines are as follows:

  • Prior approval by the Office of Student Life is required. Fliers must be emailed to the Office of Student Life (studentactivities@midlandstech.edu) for approval. Approved postings must be printed and sent to Harley Carrigan (15 copies - BSC 201) and Ayanna Wigfall (15 copies - ASC 126). Student Life staff will post in the respective areas. Unauthorized postings are removed and discarded.
  • Student-related events, services, and information receive priority consideration.
  • The maximum size for flyers or posters is 15 X 24 inches. However, exceptions may occur depending on space availability.
  • All material promoting or involving gambling, alcohol consumption, drug use, or any other activity prohibited by college regulations or South Carolina law WILL NOT be approved for posting.
  • 15 bulletin boards are located on Airport Campus and 15 are located on the Beltline Campus. Student Life personnel will post only the number of flyers received, minus one that is maintained for file purposes. The requesting party is responsible for making copies of materials.
  • Flyers are posted once a week and/or as space permits on boards. The Office of Student Life reserves the right to delay posting of any material in question based on existing posting policies and/or available personnel and to remove any item prior to the designated period based on the timing of a specified event, the size of the material to be posted, and space availability.
  • Notices pertaining to student clubs/organizations, student services, or academic information may remain on Student Life boards up to one semester upon request. All other approved material may remain on bulletin boards for two weeks or through the date of the promoted event.
  • Distribution by means of accosting individuals, shouting, leaving material in stacks in unauthorized areas, or leaving material on cars is strictly prohibited in accordance with the Student Code.
  • The Office of Student Life recognizes the importance of working cooperatively with local business and the community. Businesses that offer discounts specific to MTC students may have flyers posted on Student Life bulletin boards upon prior approval. All such materials will be posted by Student Life personnel. However, the posting of promotional flyers for businesses that could otherwise be considered free advertising is prohibited.
  • Repeat listings of approved business flyers are allowed 90 days from the beginning date of the most recent posting. For example: A flyer posted on March 1 can remain on the boards through March 15. As of June 1 (90 days from March 1), the notice can be posted again for a period of two weeks.
  • All notices pertaining to part-time or full-time employment should be referred to Student Employment Services on all campuses.
  • All notices pertaining to either full-time or part-time employment with Midlands Technical College should be referred to the Office of Human Resource Management located on the Airport Campus.
  • The Office of Student Life assumes no responsibility for the security of material posted at any time during display.

Contact the Office of Student Life for additional information or with questions at 803.822.3650 (Airport Campus) or 803.738.7860 (Beltline Campus).

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