Midlands Technical College Unveils Mascot
Aug 16, 2021

Midlands Technical College debuted its new official mascot today as part of the launch of its 2021 Fall semester. The MTC Mavericks was selected out of thousands of votes cast by students, faculty, staff, and friends of the college.
“Becoming the MTC Mavericks has incited school spirit like never before. Mav the Maverick is the physical and visual incarnation of our college community,” said MTC President Dr. Ron Rhames.
In the spring of this year, students, faculty, staff, and friends of the college cast votes. Mavericks were the unanimous winner in every voting group over the Rhinos, Navigators, and Owls.
“The maverick embodies independence and freedom,” said Disney Cuddington, an MTC nursing graduate and former student ambassador who was part of the mascot planning group. “It’s been amazing to watch the students and faculty come together to make this dream a reality.”
MTC will utilize the new Mavericks mascot on apparel, notebooks, and on-campus signage. Mav the Maverick will attend MTC student recruitment events like Quick-Start Days, as well as celebrations like graduation and the MTC Showoff.
“Having Mav the MTC Maverick with me to welcome students back on campus next week adds to the excitement of the start of Fall Semester. I can’t wait to say hello to students on campus wearing my Mavericks gear,” said President Rhames.
If you are a high school leader, Mav’s management is accepting booking requests at MIDLANDSTECH.EDU/mavericks.
Link: MTC Mascot Brand Guide