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Real Results: Growing Businesses with Online Training

Sep 18, 2018

Three people monitoring call center

Businesses looking to expand their training capacity and their revenue are discovering MTC’s flexible online training capabilities. Discover how this innovative approach is eliminating one company’s training backlog without losing the personal touch of a traditional classroom.

Avtec is an industry leader in mission-critical systems that knows offering customers cutting-edge, online training is critical to its success. Its customers include railroads, airlines, utilities, fire, police, and emergency medical services. When it comes to training, there’s no room for error.

“We’ve had a set way of doing this for a number of years and it works – in house,” said Brandon Puckett, Technical Trainer for Avtec.

But when the Lexington-based company needed to expand its existing training capacity, it turned to Midlands Technical College to develop an online training initiative.

“Honestly, it blew me away with how well they put this thing together,” said Puckett.

The traditional classroom setting limited Avtec’s reach to nine people per class. Combine that with Avtec’s tremendous growth and…

“We knew we had to try something different,” said Tracy Stone, Avtec Customer Experience Manager.

The partnership with MTC helped Avtec launch a new initiative that brings online training into a new realm. The instructors are live with the students, which means they chat with them, answer questions, and respond in real time – keeping that personal touch. 

“That was a huge part. We didn’t want to lose that interaction with our clients. Now – with MTC’s help – Avtec has more than doubled its training capacity, and that’s not all,” said Puckett. 

Avtec’s customers, dealers, and partners are located all over the world. This new online training platform offers their customers flexibility without the travel expense.

“We know our product. We know it in and out. We know what needs to be trained, but we don’t always know the best ways to train. Midlands Technical College brought the curriculum development and the online expertise,” said Stone.

MTC showed it can help companies conquer some of their biggest challenges of allowing for faster growth and future revenue while keeping a personal feel.  

“We’re a small company, and we do business personally. We’re known for our customer service, so I think we look for someone who treats us the same way. MTC has done that,” said Stone. 

Puckett continued, “It just opened up our eyes. These people really know what they’re doing, and you start seeing the possibilities of where we are going from here. Without a doubt, I’d highly recommend working with Midlands Technical College on any online content development. “

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