MTC Vice President Honored with Women in Business Award
Oct 20, 2020

The October edition of Columbia Business Monthly included features about those honored with “Women in Business” awards for 2020.
Integrated Media selected MTC’s Debbie Walker, Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer, as one of the 21 women of distinction. In recognizing the leaders from the Upstate, Midlands, and Lowcountry, publishers wrote, in part:
“They work in numerous fields and represented a variety of ages, backgrounds and career trajectories…. Their gains in the workplace deserve praise, and their contributions to their industries and their communities are laudable.”
Walker’s profile on page 77 included some of her words of wisdom:
“My final advices to aspiring young women is to get as much relevant formal and continuing education as possible; to seek leadership opportunities, including volunteering; and to be willing to take calculated risks as they pursue professional goals.”