MTC Staff Member Recognized as 20 Under 40 Leader
Jun 23, 2022

Midlands Technical College’s Jonathan Sorrenti is among those named to the newest class of The State newspaper’s “20 under 40.”
Sorrenti is a systems manager at MTC and a military police officer with the South Carolina Army National Guard. For more than 12 years, he has administered the college’s learning management system. During his 20 years in the National Guard, he deployed overseas and served in support of relief efforts after five hurricanes that impacted the Palmetto State.
An excerpt from Sorrenti’s profile:
(Q) What’s the best advice you received from a mentor?
(A) Treat others the way you want to be treated. Robert K. Greenleaf, “A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the ‘top of the pyramid,’ servant leadership is different. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.”
The complete profiles of Sorrenti and the other members of the 2022 class was published by The State in May.