MTC Graduates 1,700+, including First Class to Earn Paramedic Certificates
Dec 15, 2020

Columbia, SC – Midlands Technical College graduated more than 1,700 students the week of December 7th in Columbia during two ceremonies. The Midlands Technical College 2020 Commencement Ceremony on Wednesday, December 9th recognized all academic degree, diploma, and certificate graduates who completed course work during the Fall 2019, Spring 2020, Summer 2020 and Fall 2020 semesters.
“Every year, MTC fills the job pipeline with students who are impeccably trained and skillfully prepared,” said Ron Rhames, President of Midlands Technical College. “But, those who completed their courses in 2020 are a special group who overcame significant challenges to attain an educational goals and they are deserving of celebration.”
A ceremony on Monday December 7th recognized the first-ever graduates of MTC’s new paramedic training certificate program. The nine graduates received a 100% pass rate on the national exam (national average is 72%.) Collectively, the students completed more than 6,200 hours in field internships and clinicals, and provided treatment to more than 2,000 patients.
“We have one student who successfully resuscitated a premature newborn. We have several others who successfully performed a needle decompression to relieve a collapsed lung in their respective patients,” said Benji McCollum, Paramedic Program Director. “Some of the skills completed by these students take years to perform in the field. This group has already made an impact, and they will continue to make an impact in their communities.”
Midlands Technical College 2020 Commencement Ceremony
On December 9th:
- 1777 students graduated.
- 2,041 academic awards, including 1,191 associate degrees, 63 diplomas and 787 are certificates, from 100 programs.
- Dr. J.R. Green, the Superintendent of the Fairfield County School District received an honorary degree and the graduation keynote address was presented by Brigadier General Milford Beagle, the Commanding General of Fort Jackson.
- Due to pandemic protocols, this year’s graduation was virtual, but graduates picked up some real-world graduation swag at a drive-thru on the Airport Campus and MTC President Dr. Rhames took graduation photos with students.