Classroom Conduct

In accordance with college policy on campus environment, Midlands Technical College intends to provide an atmosphere conducive to learning. Adherence to Student Code standards such as mutual respect and academic integrity is expected of all students. At the beginning of each term, instructors will identify specific departmental and course requirements, including classroom conduct expectations, attendance requirements, and grading practices, in the syllabus and/or departmental policy statements. Students should refrain from disruptive activities, including but not limited to sleeping in class; entering class after it has started (tardiness); behaving disrespectfully toward the instructor or other students; speaking during instructional activities unrelated to the topic led by the instructor; and using unauthorized cell phones, laptop computers, and other electronic devices during class. Electronic devices may be used in classrooms only for maintaining access to MTC Alerts, the college’s emergency notification system, and must be set on vibrate mode. If an extenuating circumstance exists so that an electronic device is required, the student must clear the use of such a device with the instructor in advance and set the device to silent mode. Adherence to all course and departmental requirements is the responsibility of the student. Violation of student conduct requirements could result in disciplinary actions under the Student Code.

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